Helpline: 0345 2309873

Quotation Request


Survey Contacts
Professional Teams
Unit Schedule
Supporting Files
BZSS Sign Off

Client Details

Are you completing this form on behalf of a client?
Have you had a quote from Build-Zone before?

Please ensure you have signed into your account at before proceeding.

Are you an FCA regulated insurance broker?

It’s a requirement of the insurance that the form is completed by the insured unless otherwise done so by an FCA authorised and regulated insurance broker.

We kindly request that your client completes this application form themselves.
Please confirm the legal business name of the Retail Broker you are dealing with
Please confirm that the Retail Broker is FCA Regulated and you have a signed TOBA in place with them
Your full name
Principal company name
Your principal business name. If you are using an SPV for this project you can detail that name in a subsequent question.
Principal Company Registration Number
Has a subsidiary Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) been created for this project?
Business name for this project's SPV
Number of employees
Include yourself in this figure
This is not mandatory for quotation but will be required prior to purchase.
Estimated annual turnover this year
This is not mandatory for quotation but will be required prior to purchase.
Contact name
Contact phone number
Developer email address
This email address is required to confirm developer contact details with the Consumer Code for New Homes
Contact address
Are you responsible for providing site access to surveyors?
Have you ever been declined or removed from a warranty scheme or provider?
Please specify
Leave blank if you are unsure

Project Details

Project address
Is the development located within 500 metres of the sea?
Do you or a close family member plan to live in this property for at least 12 months?
Notice for self-builders
If you or a close family member plan to live in this property for at least 12 months, please visit www.selfbuildzone.comfor a policy better suited to your circumstances.
Brief description of Works
Your description should include any separate structures such as garages, outbuildings etc
Details of how the project is being funded
Planning Application Reference Number
Will the project be designed by an Architect?
Is this a Permitted Development Project (PDR)?
Permitted Development Rights are a national grant of planning permission which allow certain building works and changes of use to be carried out without having to make a planning application.
Is the project Phased?
Phasing is the sequential development of individual units with key stages completing at different times.
Number of single-unit private dwelling houses (Terraced, Bungalow, Semi-detached, Detached)
Number of Single-Unit Commercial Buildings
Multi-Unit Blocks – Residential Only
Separately detail each Block and the number of Residential Units within. Use the (+) button to add more Blocks.
Your Reference (eg. Block #1)Number of Residential Units
Add row
Multi-Unit Blocks – Commercial Only
For commercial-only blocks, separately detail each block and the number of Commercial Units within each. Use the (+) button to add more Blocks.
Your Reference (eg. Block #1)Number of Commercial Units
Add row
Multi-Unit Blocks – Mixed Residential and Commercial
Separately detail each Block and the Number of Residential/Commercial Units within. Use the (+) button to add more Blocks.
Your Reference (eg. Block #1)Number of Residential UnitsNumber of Commercial Units
Add row
Gross Development Value (GDV), if known.
Other - Provide details
Building Control Reference Number
Is any part of the Development on a sloping site?
Is the project in an area associated with Flooding, Radon, Mining, Cheshire Brine or other Mineral Extraction?
Start Date of building works
Estimate if works not yet started
Completion Date for project
Estimate if work is ongoing

Structural Details

Number of storeys above ground (including ground floor)
Number of storeys below ground
Further information
Timber frame kit manufacturer
Name of timber frame kit manufacturer
Mixed or Other - Provide details
Further information
Other - Provide details
Other - Provide details
Are there any new areas of flat-roof?
Flat Roof: any roof/balcony/terrace area below 10 degrees pitch, including box and valley gutters, and built above a habitable area / integrated garage.
Mixed or Other - Provide details
Will there be balconies?
Further information
Will there be terraces?
Further information

Survey Contacts

This is not mandatory at this stage but will be required before the policy is purchased.
Contacts for site access
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Professional Teams

Only the Developer and Main Contractor names are mandatory at this stage but any additional information can help us to provide a faster quote.
Developer Name
Developer's Company Registration Number
Main Contractor Name
Companies House Reg No
Architect Name
Companies House Reg No
Structural Engineer Name
Companies House Reg No
Project Manager Name
Companies House Reg No
NameCompany Reg. No.Work Package
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This is not mandatory at this stage but any additional information can help us to provide a faster quote.
Project Phasing
If the project is phased, provide details of units and phasing
Phase NumberStart DateExpected CompletionNo. / Type of UnitsSum Insured per Phase
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Schedule of Units

List all units
You should enter only whole numbers for the size and costs, decimal point accuracy is not required. Please note that the total reinstatement cost of the units should be the same as the figure you entered on the questions in the Cover tab.
Unit RefSale PriceFloor Area (m²)Type of UnitReinstatement Cost Existing StructureCost of Conversion WorkReinstatement Cost if New Build
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Upload Supporting Files For This Application

This is not mandatory at this stage but any additional information can help us to provide a faster quote.
Architectural Plans
Maximum file size 5Mb
Engineering Plans
Maximum file size 5Mb
Design Access Statement (DAS)
Maximum file size 5Mb
Stage 3 Report
Maximum file size 5Mb
Site Investigation Report
Maximum file size 5Mb
Structural Report for a Conversion
Maximum file size 5Mb
Photograph of Existing Structure(s)
Maximum file size 5Mb
Building Control Completion Certificate
Maximum file size 5Mb

Your Account Access

Creating login details will allow you to access your insurance documents. If you already have an account, enter your username and password below.
Minimum password requirements: 12 characters containing at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 symbol

BZSS Sign Off

Building Control
Plots and dates received
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Electric (Part P)
Plots and dates received
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Gas/Oil (Part M)
Plots and dates received
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Drainage (Part H)
Plots and details received
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Plots and dates received
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